Videos: summary and additional material#

The story of the derivation of the finite element method is told once more in this section with a series of videos.

Derivation of the finite element formulation in 1D#

Recap of the derivation of the finite element formulation for the 1D Poisson equation.

Elements and shape functions#

Recap of the role of elements and shape functions in the finite element method.

2D derivation and boundary conditions#

Derivation of the finite element method for the 2D Poisson equation. In the Friday project you will work with a 2D finite element implementation.

Numerical integration#

In the notebooks of this week, numerical integration is implemented in a rather direct way. This video presents a more general discussion of numerical integration for different elements.

Isoparametric mapping#

To complete the story of how shape functions and numerical integration are usually implemented in notebooks, here is a video with additional material on isoparametric mapping.