General structure#

This section guides you through the basic structure of the library.

Your Python script#

Using the pyJive starts in your own Python script. In that script, two basic steps are required.

  1. Read the specified properties. The properties of your model — like the mesh, the boundary conditions, the material properties and many more — are stored in the properties file, denoted with the .pro extension.

  2. Start globdat with main.jive(properties). With the specified properties, globdat can be initialized using the main.jive() function. Globdat is the communication database between the models and the modules, and stores the input and output.

The file#

The main.jive() function is read from the file, which contains one function: jive(). It starts by taking information from the file and adding it to globdat. If the name of one of the modules is found in the properties file that was provided when calling main.jive(), it will be added to the Module chain. Once everything is added, all modules in the chain are initialized for the given properties. The modules start running, and keep running until one of them gives the exit command, after which the modules are shut down. The function returns globdat.

In other words, finds all the models, modules and shapes from, puts the needed modules in a chain based on the information from the properties, also collecting the types (e.g. model['type'] = 'multi', material['type'] = 'elastic', etc.). With three loops, it calls the three methods that all modules in the chain have: init(), run(), and shutdown(). These are already set up in the basic Module class, found in modules/


Modules define what needs to be done, the models take care of the how. The two main types of modules currently implemented in PyJive are solver-type modules and post-processing modules.

The ControlModule parent class for solvers#

The ControlModule class can be found in the modules/ file. The class inherits from the Module class, where the three basic methods are defined as mentioned before: init, run, and shutdown. These methods are further filled in the ControlModule class.

  • init(): initiates the time step and the different states at zero. It counts the Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) from the given mesh and selects the right models to use in the module at hand.

  • advance() this method lets you know what time step is running and saves the state once the result of the time step is accepted.

  • run() if a time step is accepted, it continues to the next step and, unless specified otherwise, saves the history of the state. When the specified number of time steps has passed, it returns the exit command.

Inheriting from ControlModule#

Modules that inherit from ControlModule, such as ArclenModule and NonlinModule, have the same structure, but init() and run() are specified further for the different modules.

  • init(): this method now reads relevant parameters form the properties file (e.g. maximum number of iterations), and initializes any needed additinal values, such as fext in ArclenModule. It also makes space in globdat for values it needs to save and/or communicate to the models.

  • run(): starts off by counting the DOFs, after which it selects the right model as saved to globdat. It then calls utils, like the Constrainer class, and advance(), as defined in ControleModule. After this setup, modules communicate with the models through the model.take_action() method. In the case of MultiModel, the specified action is executed for all models as specified in the class. Based on the input of take_action(), it calls the right method within the model. Example: in module NonlinModule, it is specified model.take_action(act.GETMATRIX0, params, globdat), which can be answered in e.g. ElasticModel by self._get_matrix(params, globdat), which constructs the \(\mathbf{K}\) matrix. In short, take_action() makes sure that the specified step of the module is executed for the specified model.

  • shutdown(): this function can include any final post-processing tasks after the solver finishes running. Right now it is empty.


Just like how most modules inherit from Module (directly or indirectly), the models inherit from the Model class, which again just sets up the methods to use in the child classes. The file models/ also contains the ModelFactory. With the declare_model() method, the name with which the model can be called in the properties file is connected to the model, usually through some cound found at the end fo the file. E.g., in models/, class DirichletModel is called by specifying 'Dirichlet' in the properties file.

These are the main methods found in the models:

  • init(): this just puts the name of the model there.

  • take_action(): this links the actions as received from the module at hand to the corresponding method within the model.

  • configure(): reads the needed properties from the .pro file. These are checked, and pre-specified values are put in if there is none specified in the properties file.

Any other methods present in the model are based on the action that the model should be able to perform. All possible actions are defined in the file.

Since you often need multiple models for your problem — such as one for your material and one for the boundary conditions — the MultiModel class can be used. This model also contains the take_action() and configure() methods, but they just combine all calls to the models specified within MultiModel. Be aware that you still need to specify all the properties of all the models within MultiModel in your properties file.

Highlighting some files from pyJive#

There are a lot of options within pyJive, and there are quite some files. Some you will need more often than others, so here some of the files are introduced.

Found in models/

Implements Dirichlet boundary conditions. As input it takes on what nodegroups as specified in your properties file, what values are applied on which degrees of freedom. It also reads how much the increment should be for a given timesignal and delta time.

Actions: _get_constraints(), _advance_step_constraints()

Found in models/

In theory, there could just be one big model class which could handle every action from a given module. However, this would be a very cluttered implementation, which would also make it sensitive to errors. This is why the MultiModel class can bundle different models together in such a way that it can communicate every call to action from a module to the right subclass.

Found in models/

Implements Neumann boundary conditions. Just like DirichletModel, it takes the nodegroups the BCs should work on, on what DOF, with what value and if relevant, how much the load should increase for what time signal and time increment.

Actions: _get_ext_force(), _get_unit_force(), _advance_step().

Found in models/

If your material is nonlinear and you can’t use elastic, this is where to go. It takes in more properties through simply the property 'material', in which the material properties are specified.

Actions: _get_matrix(), _get_mass_matrix(), _get_body_force(), _commit(), _check_commit(), _get_stresses(), _get_strains(), _get_stiffness().

Found in utils/

A class that handles the application of constrains to the as-assembled stiffness matrix and force vector, and returns constrained versions of them, ready for solving.

Found in utils/

Degree of Freedom management to provide mapping between DOF index and node number, and DOF type.