Workshop 1: Finite Elements for Linear Elasticity#

In this tutorial you will learn how to implement a Finite Element solver to solve the linear elasticity problem in a 2-dimensional domain.

Let’s first initialize the notebook and define some parameters. In this example we will consider a rectangular domain of sides \(d1\) and \(d2\) with a circular hole of radius \(R\) at the center.

import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Geometry parameters
d1 = 1
d2 = 1
R = 0.2

1. Discretize the domain#

We will construct a mesh subdividing the geometry into four regions that can be discretized like a topological rectangle. For each subregions we will have \(p\) elements in the angular direction and \(m\) elements in the radial direction. This example uses quadrilateral elements, defined through the variable element_type = 'D2QU4N'. Triangular elements are also supported through element_type = 'D2TR3N'.

# Mesh parameters
# void mesh -- circular void to imitate stress hole
# nodes follow circular path (up to 64)
p = 4
m = 3
element_type = 'D2QU4N' # quadrilateral
# element_type = 'D2TR3N' # triangular

In the following cell we define the function that generates the mesh. The only information that we need to construct the mesh is two arrays:

  1. An array NL (node list) of dimension [NoN,2] with the coordinates \((x,y)\) of each node of the mesh (with NoN being the number of nodes).

  2. An array EL of dimension [NoE,NPE] with the nodes IDs of each element.

In the following piece of code we construct these two arrays, but this can be done using external meshing packages.

# Add drawing -- 4 regions
# Each region has m*p pieces, but we cannot double-count the diagonals
def void_mesh(d1, d2, p, m, R, element_type):
    q = np.array([[0,0],
                  [d1, 0],
                  [0, d2],
    PD = 2
    NoN = 2*(p+1)*(m+1) + 2*(p-1)*(m+1)
    NoE = 4*p*m
    NPE = 4 #D2QU4N

    # Node
    NL = np.zeros([NoN,PD])
    a = (q[1,0]-q[0,0])/p
    b = (q[2,1]-q[0,1])/p

    # Region 1
    coor11 = np.zeros([(p+1)*(m+1),PD])
    for i in range(1,p+2): 
        #value from 1 to p+1 actually then
        # get bottom line
        coor11[i-1,0] = q[0,0] + (i-1)*a
        coor11[i-1,1] = q[0,1]
    for i in range(1,p+2): 
        #value from 1 to p+1 actually then
        # get void line
        # Based on angle from center point
        coor11[m*(p+1)+i-1,0] = R*np.cos( (5*math.pi/4) + (i-1)*((math.pi/2)/p) ) + d1/2
        coor11[m*(p+1)+i-1,1] = R*np.sin( (5*math.pi/4) + (i-1)*((math.pi/2)/p) ) + d2/2
    for i in range(1, m):
        # lines on top/bot already covered, so need 2 less than "m+2"
        for j in range(1,p+2):
            # lines on the sides still need doing -- still need p+2 then
            # will not be needed later for other "neighbour regions"
            dx = (coor11[m*(p+1)+j-1, 0] - coor11[j-1, 0])/m
            dy = (coor11[m*(p+1)+j-1, 1] - coor11[j-1, 1])/m
            coor11[i*(p+1)+j-1, 0] = coor11[(i-1)*(p+1)+j-1,0] + dx
            coor11[i*(p+1)+j-1, 1] = coor11[(i-1)*(p+1)+j-1,1] + dy

    # Region 2
    coor22 = np.zeros([(p+1)*(m+1),PD])
    for i in range(1,p+2): 
        coor22[i-1,0] = q[2,0] + (i-1)*a
        coor22[i-1,1] = q[2,1]
    for i in range(1,p+2): 
        coor22[m*(p+1)+i-1,0] = R*np.cos( (3*math.pi/4) - (i-1)*((math.pi/2)/p) ) + d1/2
        coor22[m*(p+1)+i-1,1] = R*np.sin( (3*math.pi/4) - (i-1)*((math.pi/2)/p) ) + d2/2
    for i in range(1, m):
        for j in range(1,p+2):
            dx = (coor22[m*(p+1)+j-1, 0] - coor22[j-1, 0])/m
            dy = (coor22[m*(p+1)+j-1, 1] - coor22[j-1, 1])/m
            coor22[i*(p+1)+j-1, 0] = coor22[(i-1)*(p+1)+j-1,0] + dx
            coor22[i*(p+1)+j-1, 1] = coor22[(i-1)*(p+1)+j-1,1] + dy

    # Region 3
    coor33 = np.zeros([(p-1)*(m+1),PD]) # p-1 here!
    for i in range(1,p):  # Note here: onpy to p (not "diagonals")
        coor33[i-1,0] = q[0,0]
        coor33[i-1,1] = q[0,1] + i*b # not i-1 -- leave out diagonal line
    for i in range(1,p): 
        coor33[m*(p-1)+i-1,0] = R*np.cos( (5*math.pi/4) - (i)*((math.pi/2)/p) )+ d1/2
        coor33[m*(p-1)+i-1,1] = R*np.sin( (5*math.pi/4) - (i)*((math.pi/2)/p) ) + d2/2
    for i in range(1, m):
        for j in range(1,p):
            dx = (coor33[m*(p-1)+j-1, 0] - coor33[j-1, 0])/m
            dy = (coor33[m*(p-1)+j-1, 1] - coor33[j-1, 1])/m
            coor33[i*(p-1)+j-1, 0] = coor33[(i-1)*(p-1)+j-1,0] + dx
            coor33[i*(p-1)+j-1, 1] = coor33[(i-1)*(p-1)+j-1,1] + dy
    # Region 4
    coor44 = np.zeros([(p-1)*(m+1),PD]) # p-1 here!
    for i in range(1,p):  # Note here: onpy to p (not "diagonals")
        coor44[i-1,0] = q[1,0]
        coor44[i-1,1] = q[1,1] + i*b # not i-1 -- leave out diagonal line
    for i in range(1,p): 
        coor44[m*(p-1)+i-1,0] = R*np.cos( (7*math.pi/4) + (i)*((math.pi/2)/p) ) + d1/2
        coor44[m*(p-1)+i-1,1] = R*np.sin( (7*math.pi/4) + (i)*((math.pi/2)/p) ) + d2/2
    for i in range(1, m):
        for j in range(1,p):
            dx = (coor44[m*(p-1)+j-1, 0] - coor44[j-1, 0])/m
            dy = (coor44[m*(p-1)+j-1, 1] - coor44[j-1, 1])/m
            coor44[i*(p-1)+j-1, 0] = coor44[(i-1)*(p-1)+j-1,0] + dx
            coor44[i*(p-1)+j-1, 1] = coor44[(i-1)*(p-1)+j-1,1] + dy

    # Reorder - to simplify element generation
    for i in range(1,m+2):
        NL[(i-1)*4*p:i*4*p,:] = np.vstack([ coor11[(i-1)*(p+1):(i)*(p+1),:],
    # Element
    EL = np.zeros([NoE,NPE])
    for i in range(1,m+1):
        for j in range(1,4*p+1):
            if j == 1:
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 0] = (i-1)*(4*p) + j
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 1] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -1 , 0] + 1
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 3] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -1 , 0] + 4*p
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 2] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -1 , 3] + 1
            elif j == 4*p:
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 0] = (i)*(4*p)
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 1] = (i-1)*(4*p) + 1 
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 2] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -1 , 0] + 1
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 3] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -1 , 0] + 4*p
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 0] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -2 , 1]
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 3] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -2 , 2]
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 2] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -1 , 3] + 1
                EL[(i-1)*(4*p)+j-1, 1] = EL[(i-1)*(4*p) + j -1 , 0] + 1
    # triangular elements
    if element_type == 'D2TR3N': 
        NPE_new = 3
        NoE_new = 2*NoE
        EL_new = np.zeros([NoE_new, NPE_new])

        for i in range(1, NoE+1):
            # element 1
            EL_new[2*(i-1), 0] = EL[i-1, 0]
            EL_new[2*(i-1), 1] = EL[i-1, 1]
            EL_new[2*(i-1), 2] = EL[i-1, 2]
            # element 2
            EL_new[2*(i-1)+1, 0] = EL[i-1, 0]
            EL_new[2*(i-1)+1, 1] = EL[i-1, 2]
            EL_new[2*(i-1)+1, 2] = EL[i-1, 3]
        EL = EL_new

    EL = EL.astype(int)
    return (NL, EL)

We can plot the mesh with the corresponding node and element identifiers:

NL, EL = void_mesh(d1, d2, p, m, R, element_type)

NoN = np.size(NL, 0)
NoE = np.size(EL, 0)


count = 1
for i in range(0, NoN):
    plt.annotate(count, xy = (NL[i,0],NL[i,1]))
    count += 1

if element_type == 'D2QU4N':
    count2 = 1
    for j in range(0, NoE):
        plt.annotate(count2, xy = ((NL[EL[j,0]-1,0]+NL[EL[j,1]-1,0]+NL[EL[j,2]-1,0]+NL[EL[j,3]-1,0])/4,
                                  c = 'blue')
        count2 += 1

    # Plot lines
    x0, y0 = NL[EL[:,0]-1,0], NL[EL[:,0]-1,1]
    x1, y1 = NL[EL[:,1]-1,0], NL[EL[:,1]-1,1]
    x2, y2 = NL[EL[:,2]-1,0], NL[EL[:,2]-1,1]
    x3, y3 = NL[EL[:,3]-1,0], NL[EL[:,3]-1,1]
    plt.plot(np.array([x0,x1]), np.array([y0,y1]), 'red', lw=3)
    plt.plot(np.array([x1,x2]), np.array([y1,y2]), 'red', lw=3)
    plt.plot(np.array([x2,x3]), np.array([y2,y3]), 'red', lw=3)
    plt.plot(np.array([x3,x0]), np.array([y3,y0]), 'red', lw=3)

if element_type == 'D2TR3N':

    count2 = 1
    for j in range(0, NoE):
        plt.annotate(count2, xy = ((NL[EL[j,0]-1,0]+NL[EL[j,1]-1,0]+NL[EL[j,2]-1,0])/3,
                                  c = 'blue')
        count2 += 1

    # Plot lines
    x0, y0 = NL[EL[:,0]-1,0], NL[EL[:,0]-1,1]
    x1, y1 = NL[EL[:,1]-1,0], NL[EL[:,1]-1,1]
    x2, y2 = NL[EL[:,2]-1,0], NL[EL[:,2]-1,1]
    plt.plot(np.array([x0,x1]), np.array([y0,y1]), 'red', lw=3)
    plt.plot(np.array([x1,x2]), np.array([y1,y2]), 'red', lw=3)
    plt.plot(np.array([x2,x0]), np.array([y2,y0]), 'red', lw=3)

2. Define the shape functions#

The second step in our Finite Element recipie consists on defining the shape functions and their derivatives. Here we will make use of the isoparametric map and numerical integration to re-use as much information as possible.

Before defining the shape functions we first define the quadrature rule that will be used to integrate. Here we need to specify the location of the quadrature points and the corresponding weights. In this example we consider a \(1\)-point quadrature rule for the triangular elements. For the quadrilateral elements we define a \(1\)-point and \(4\)-point (\(2\times2\)) quadrature rule. See below an explanation about the reason why we need more quadrature points for quadrilaterals.

The function GaussPoint returns the coordinates \((\xi, \eta)\) of the quadrature point gp in the reference element, together with the corresponding weight \(\alpha_{gp}\).

\[\int f(\xi,\eta) d\Omega_{ref} = \sum_{gp=1}^{GPE}f(\xi_{gp},\eta_{gp})\alpha_{gp}\]
def GaussPoint(NPE, GPE, gp): # Gaussian point theory needed
    if NPE == 3:
        if GPE == 1:
            if gp == 1:
                xi, eta, alpha = 1/3, 1/3, 1
    if NPE == 4:
        if GPE == 1:
            if gp == 1:
                xi, eta, alpha = 0, 0, 4
        if GPE == 4:
            if gp == 1:
                xi, eta, alpha = -1/math.sqrt(3), -1/math.sqrt(3), 1
            if gp == 2:
                xi, eta, alpha = 1/math.sqrt(3), -1/math.sqrt(3), 1
            if gp == 3:
                xi, eta, alpha = 1/math.sqrt(3), 1/math.sqrt(3), 1
            if gp == 4:
                xi, eta, alpha = -1/math.sqrt(3), 1/math.sqrt(3), 1

    return (xi, eta, alpha)

Using linear polynomials, we will have the following shape functions for triangular elements:

\[N_1(\xi,\eta)=\xi,\qquad N_2(\xi,\eta)=\eta, \qquad N_3(\xi,\eta)=1-\xi-\eta,\]

and the following shape functions for quadrilaterals:

\[N_1(\xi,\eta)=\frac{(1-\xi)}{2}\frac{(1-\eta)}{2},\qquad N_2(\xi,\eta)=\frac{(1+\xi)}{2}\frac{(1-\eta)}{2}, \qquad N_3(\xi,\eta)=\frac{(1+\xi)}{2}\frac{(1+\eta)}{2}, \qquad N_4(\xi,\eta)=\frac{(1-\xi)}{2}\frac{(1+\eta)}{2},\]

The function grad_N_nat returns the gradient of the shape functions evaluated at given point \((ξ,η)\). Using index notation, the returned value is:


Note that for the linear elastic problem we do not need to define shape functions if the external distributed load is zero.

def grad_N_nat(NPE, xi, eta):

    PD = 2
    result = np.zeros([PD, NPE])

    if NPE == 3:
        result[0,0] = 1
        result[0,1] = 0
        result[0,2] = -1
        result[1,0] = 0
        result[1,1] = 1
        result[1,2] = -1
    if NPE == 4:
        result[0,0] = -1/4*(1-eta)
        result[0,1] = 1/4*(1-eta)
        result[0,2] = 1/4*(1+eta)
        result[0,3] = -1/4*(1+eta)
        result[1,0] = -1/4*(1-xi)
        result[1,1] = -1/4*(1+xi)
        result[1,2] = 1/4*(1+xi)
        result[1,3] = 1/4*(1-xi)
    return result 

3. Elemental matrices#

Once we have the shape functions defined, we can proceed with the integration of the elemental matrices. The elemental stiffness matrix can be defined as:

\[K_{aibk}=\int_Ω C_{ijkl}\frac{∂N_a}{∂x_j}\frac{∂N_b}{∂x_l}\ dΩ\]

We first define a function to construct the constitutive tensor \(C_{ijkl}\).

def constitutive(i, j, k, l):

    E = 8/3
    nu = 1/3
    C = (E/(2*(1+nu))) * (delta(i, l)*delta(j,k)) + delta(i,k)*delta(j,l) + (
                            E*nu)/(1-nu**2) * delta(i,j)*delta(k,l)
    return C

def delta(i,j):
    if i == j:
        delta = 1
        delta = 0
    return delta

The function element_stiffness computes the elemental stiffness matrix for a given local node list nl with the indices of the global nodes within an element. The function uses the array NL to retrieve the coordinates of the elemental nodes.

def element_stiffness(nl, NL):
    NPE = np.size(nl,0)
    PD = np.size(NL,1)

    x = np.zeros([NPE,PD])
    x[0:NPE, 0:PD] = NL[nl[0:NPE]-1, 0:PD]

    K = np.zeros([NPE*PD, NPE*PD])
    coor = x.T

    if NPE == 3:
        GPE = 1
    if NPE == 4:
        GPE = 4

    # Loop over test nodes
    for i in range(1, NPE+1):
        # Loop over solution nodes
        for j in range(1, NPE+1):

            # Local stiffness matrix ()
            k = np.zeros([PD,PD])
            for gp in range(1,GPE+1):
                J = np.zeros([PD,PD])
                grad = np.zeros([PD, NPE])
                (xi, eta, alpha) = GaussPoint(NPE, GPE, gp)
                grad_nat = grad_N_nat(NPE, xi, eta)
                J = coor @ grad_nat.T
                grad = np.linalg.inv(J).T @ grad_nat

                if NPE == 3:
                    for a in range(1, PD+1):
                        for c in range(1, PD+1):
                            for b in range(1, PD+1):
                                for d in range(1, PD+1):
                                    k[a-1,c-1] = k[a-1,c-1] + grad[b-1,i-1] * constitutive(
                                                    a,b,c,d) * grad[d-1,j-1] * np.linalg.det(J) * alpha*0.5
                if NPE == 4:
                    for a in range(1, PD+1):
                        for c in range(1, PD+1):
                            for b in range(1, PD+1):
                                for d in range(1, PD+1):
                                    k[a-1,c-1] = k[a-1,c-1] + grad[b-1,i-1] * constitutive(
                                                    a,b,c,d) * grad[d-1,j-1] * np.linalg.det(J) * alpha
                # Fill the global stiffness matrix
                K[((i-1)*PD+1)-1:i*PD, ((j-1)*PD+1)-1:j*PD] = k

    return K

4. Assemble the global system#

Once we have the elemental contributions we can assemble the global system. The function assemble_stiffness assembles the contribution of the elemental stiffness into the global matrix according to local-to-global nodal map. For this purpose we define an auxiliar array, ENL, with inforation about the coordinates, Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions and local-to-global degree of freedom numbering.

The ENL array is created calling the function assign_BCs with appropriate BC_flag and defV values.

def assemble_stiffness(ENL, EL, NL):

    NoE = np.size(EL, 0)
    NPE = np.size(EL, 1)
    NoN = np.size(NL, 0)
    PD = np.size(NL, 1)

    K = np.zeros([NoN*PD, NoN*PD])

    for i in range(1, NoE):
        nl = EL[i-1,0:NPE]
        k = element_stiffness(nl, NL)
        for r in range(0, NPE):
            for p in range(0, PD):
                for q in range(0, NPE):
                    for s in range(0,PD):
                        row = ENL[nl[r]-1, p+3*PD]
                        column = ENL[nl[q]-1, s+3*PD]
                        value = k[r*PD+p, q*PD+s]
                        K[int(row)-1,int(column)-1] = K[int(row)-1,int(column)-1] + value
    return K
def assign_BCs(NL, BC_flag, defV):

    NoN = np.size(NL, 0)
    PD = np.size(NL, 1)
    # Extended node list, to fill in all "values" related to each node
    # 0-1 names NL, 2-3 xx, 4-5 xx, 6-7 xx, 8-9 displacements, 10-11 forces
    # Dirichlet bounds have positive "value" or are "free" using -1 -- column 8-9
    # Neumann bounds are "free" using 0 -- column 10-11

    ENL = np.zeros([NoN, 6*PD])
    ENL[:,0:PD] = NL
    if BC_flag == 'extension':
        for i in range(0, NoN):
            if ENL[i,0] == 0: # left nodes
                ENL[i,2] = -1
                ENL[i,3] = -1
                ENL[i,8] = -defV
                ENL[i,9] = 0
            elif ENL[i,0] == 1: # right nodes
                ENL[i,2] = -1
                ENL[i,3] = -1
                ENL[i,8] = defV
                ENL[i,9] = 0
            else: # things "in the middle"
                ENL[i,2] = 1
                ENL[i,3] = 1
                ENL[i,10] = 0
                ENL[i,11] = 0
    if BC_flag == 'expansion':
        for i in range(0, NoN):
            if ENL[i,0] == 0 or ENL[i,0] == 1 or ENL[i,1] == 0 or ENL[i,1] == 1: # all side nodes
                ENL[i,2] = -1
                ENL[i,3] = -1
                ENL[i,8] = defV*ENL[i,0] # allows expansion, nodes are "moved"
                ENL[i,9] = defV*ENL[i,1]
                ENL[i,2] = 1
                ENL[i,3] = 1
                ENL[i,10] = 0
                ENL[i,11] = 0
    if BC_flag == 'shear':
        for i in range(0, NoN):
            if ENL[i,1] == 0:
                ENL[i,2] = -1
                ENL[i,3] = -1
                ENL[i,8] = 0
                ENL[i,9] = 0
            elif ENL[i,1] == 1:
                ENL[i,2] = -1
                ENL[i,3] = -1
                ENL[i,8] = defV
                ENL[i,9] = 0
                ENL[i,2] = 1
                ENL[i,3] = 1
                ENL[i,10] = 0
                ENL[i,11] = 0
    DOFs = 0
    DOCs = 0
    for i in range(0, NoN):
        for j in range(0, PD):
            if ENL[i,PD+j] == -1: # if it is a Dirichlet bound
                DOCs -= 1 # it is a degree of constraint -- Global name
                ENL[i,2*PD+j] = DOCs # assign global DOC "name" to it
                DOFs += 1
                ENL[i,2*PD+j] = DOFs
    for i in range(0, NoN):
        for j in range(0, PD):
            if ENL[i,2*PD+j] < 0: # if it is a Neumann bound
                ENL[i,3*PD+j] = abs(ENL[i,2*PD+j])+DOFs
                ENL[i,3*PD+j] = abs(ENL[i,2*PD+j])
    DOCs = abs(DOCs)

    return (ENL, DOFs, DOCs)

We can use the function assemble_forces to apply Neumann type boundary conditions (traction at a boundary).

def assemble_forces(ENL, NL):
    PD = np.size(NL, 1)
    NoN = np.size(NL, 0)
    DOF = 0

    Fp = []
    for i in range(0, NoN):
        for j in range(0, PD):
            if ENL[i,PD+j] == 1: # if fixed node
                DOF += 1
    Fp = np.vstack([Fp]).reshape(-1,1)
    return Fp

The function assemble_displacement prescribes the displacement at the Dirichlet boundary conditions.

def assemble_displacement(ENL, NL):
    PD = np.size(NL, 1)
    NoN = np.size(NL, 0)
    DOC = 0

    Up = []
    for i in range(0, NoN):
        for j in range(0, PD):
            if ENL[i,PD+j] == -1: # if fixed node
                DOC += 1
    Up = np.vstack([Up]).reshape(-1,1)
    return Up

def update_nodes(ENL, Uu, NL, Fu):

    PD = np.size(NL, 1)
    NoN = np.size(NL, 0)

    DOFs = 0
    DOCs = 0
    for i in range(0, NoN):
        for j in range(0, PD):
            if ENL[i,PD+j] == 1:
                DOFs += 1
                ENL[i,4*PD+j] = Uu[DOFs-1] # update the displacement
                DOCs += 1
                ENL[i,5*PD+j] = Fu[DOCs-1]

    return ENL

Main computation driver#

We can use the functions defined above in the following main simulation driver:

# Computations

# !! Applied on a unit square

d1 = 1
d2 = 1
p = 6
m = 6
R = 0.2
element_type = 'D2QU4N'

NL, EL = void_mesh(d1, d2, p, m, R, element_type)
# extension (displace on 2 sides), expansion (all sides), shear (1 sided shear)
BC_flag = 'extension'
# defV deformation value for the sides
defV = 0.1

(ENL, DOFs, DOCs) = assign_BCs(NL, BC_flag, defV)

K = assemble_stiffness(ENL, EL, NL)
Fp = assemble_forces(ENL, NL)
Up = assemble_displacement(ENL, NL)

K_reduced = K[0:DOFs, 0:DOFs] # K_UU
K_UP = K[0:DOFs, DOFs:DOFs+DOCs]
K_PU = K[DOFs:DOFs+DOCs, 0:DOFs]

F = Fp - (K_UP @ Up)
Uu = np.linalg.solve(K_reduced, F)
Fu = (K_PU @ Uu) + (K_PP @ Up)

ENL = update_nodes(ENL, Uu, NL, Fu)


def element_post_process(NL, EL, ENL):

    PD = np.size(NL, 1)
    NoE = np.size(EL, 0)
    NPE = np.size(EL, 1)
    if NPE == 3:
        GPE = 1
    if NPE == 4:
        GPE = 4
    # NoE = specified element
    # NPE = specified node in this element
    # PD = specifies x and y components
    # 1 = added to make the structure clear
    # Stress should be plotted using Gauss points

    disp = np.zeros([NoE, NPE, PD, 1]) 
    stress = np.zeros([NoE,GPE,PD,PD])
    strain = np.zeros([NoE,GPE,PD,PD])

    for e in range(1, NoE+1):
        nl = EL[e-1,0:NPE]

        # assign displacements to nodes
        for i in range(1,NPE+1):
            for j in range(1,PD+1):
                disp[e-1,i-1,j-1,0] = ENL[nl[i-1]-1,4*PD+j-1]
        # specify corners
        x = np.zeros([NPE,PD])
        x[0:NPE,0:PD] = NL[nl[0:NPE]-1,0:PD]
        # specify corner displacement
        u = np.zeros([PD, NPE])
        for i in range(1,NPE+1):
            for j in range(1,PD+1):
                u[j-1,i-1] = ENL[nl[i-1]-1,4*PD+j-1]
        # Do Gaus interpolation
        coor = x.T
        for gp in range(1,GPE+1):

            epsilon = np.zeros([PD,PD])
            for i in range(1, NPE+1):
                J = np.zeros([PD,PD])
                grad = np.zeros([PD, NPE])
                (xi, eta, alpha) = GaussPoint(NPE, GPE, gp)
                grad_nat = grad_N_nat(NPE, xi, eta)
                J = coor @ grad_nat.T
                grad = np.linalg.inv(J).T @ grad_nat

                # Calculate strain
                epsilon = epsilon + 1/2*(dyad(grad[:,i-1],u[:,i-1]
                                            ) + dyad(u[:,i-1],grad[:,i-1]))
            # Calculate stress
            sigma = np.zeros([PD,PD])
            for a in range(1,PD+1):
                for b in range(1,PD+1):
                    for c in range(1,PD+1):
                        for d in range(1,PD+1):
                            sigma[a-1,b-1] = sigma[a-1,b-1] + constitutive(a,b,c,d
                                                    ) * epsilon[c-1,d-1]
            for a in range(1,PD+1):
                for b in range(1,PD+1):
                    strain[e-1,gp-1,a-1,b-1] = epsilon[a-1,b-1]
                    stress[e-1,gp-1,a-1,b-1] = sigma[a-1,b-1] 

    return disp, stress, strain

def post_process(NL, EL, ENL):

    PD = np.size(NL, 1)
    NoE = np.size(EL, 0)
    NPE = np.size(EL, 1)
    scale = 0.1 # magnify deflection - here low E so not really needed

    disp, stress, strain = element_post_process(NL, EL, ENL)

    stress_xx = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])
    stress_xy = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])
    stress_yx = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])
    stress_yy = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])

    strain_xx = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])
    strain_xy = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])
    strain_yx = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])
    strain_yy = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])

    disp_x = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])
    disp_y = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])

    X = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])
    Y = np.zeros([NPE,NoE])

    if NPE in [3,4]:

        X = ENL[EL-1,0] + scale*ENL[EL-1,4*PD]
        Y = ENL[EL-1,1] + scale*ENL[EL-1,4*PD+1]
        X = X.T
        Y = Y.T

        stress_xx = stress[:,:,0,0].T
        stress_xy = stress[:,:,0,1].T
        stress_yx = stress[:,:,1,0].T
        stress_yy = stress[:,:,1,1].T

        strain_xx = strain[:,:,0,0].T
        strain_xy = strain[:,:,0,1].T
        strain_yx = strain[:,:,1,0].T
        strain_yy = strain[:,:,1,1].T

        disp_x = disp[:,:,0,0].T
        disp_y = disp[:,:,0,0].T

        stress_xx = stress[:,:,0,0].T
        stress_xx = stress[:,:,1,0].T

    return (stress_xx, stress_xy,  stress_yx, stress_yy, strain_xx, strain_xy,
            strain_yx, strain_yy, disp_x, disp_y, X, Y)

def dyad(u,v):
    u = u.reshape(len(v),1)
    v = v.reshape(len(v),1)
    A = u @ v.T
    return A
# Post-processing and plotting
(stress_xx, stress_xy, stress_yx, stress_yy, strain_xx, strain_xy,
 strain_yx, strain_yy, disp_x, disp_y, X, Y) = post_process(NL, EL, ENL)

disp_xNormalized = (disp_x - disp_x.min()) / (disp_x.max() - disp_x.min())

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
def truncate_colormap(cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=-1):
    if n == -1:
        n = cmap.N
    new_cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
        'trunc({name},{a:.2f},{b:.2f})'.format(, a=minval, b=maxval),
    return new_cmap
fig_1 =  plt.figure(1)
plt.title('Displacement X')
axdisp_x = fig_1.add_subplot(111)

for i in range(np.size(EL,0)):
    x = X[:,i]
    y = Y[:,i]
    c = disp_xNormalized[:,i]
    # gouraud smoothes the results
    cmap = truncate_colormap(plt.get_cmap('jet'),c.min(),c.max())
    t = axdisp_x.tripcolor( x,y,c,cmap=cmap, shading='gouraud')
    p = axdisp_x.plot(x,y,'k-',lw=0.5)

Exercise – theory#

Using triangular elements compare the results:

  • What differences do you see

  • How long does it take

  • Which result do you prefer

Exercise – coding#

Assume that the structure above is the bolt hole at the end of a plate. You are assigned by your future employer, Colomes Industries Inc., to answer the following questions:

If we excpect a displacement on the top side of 0.1 (CORRECT NAME RERFERENCE), show me the stresses in the plate if

  • We use a bolt (assume no displacement around the hole)

  • We us a welded seem (no displacement at the bottom edge, R=0)

  • Which one would we prefer in a cycclic loading case? Can we optimise the design of the plate?

Hint: Think about which functions you need to change in order to get to your result. Leave the rest untouched