Open database for scientific visualisation

9.1. Open database for scientific visualisation#

The open database for scientific visualisation, hosted by 4TU.ResearchData, provides a platform for researchers to upload and share their research data. It now also supports the inclusion of Paraview files associated with the visualisation of research data.

This database serves as an educational resource. Users can explore the uploaded projects, download datasets of interest, and load them into Paraview to examine the applied filters and visualization techniques. This hands-on exploration helps users deepen their understanding of data visualization processes. Once you have developed a compelling visualisation, you can contribute it to the database. Upon submission, a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) will be generated, allowing you to reference your contribution in academic papers.

As such, we encourage student who make use of Paraview visualizations to upload any noteworthy results you achieve during any course (or during your thesis) to the database. It is worth noting that the platform supports version control, so your dataset does not need to be in its final form for submission. You can explore the database directly below: