Ordinary Differential Equation Solvers


Ordinary Differential Equation Solvers#

In this section you will learn how to define different ODE solvers using approximated function derivatives through the use of Taylor series.

We have seen that to approximate a function using Taylor series (TS), we just need the value of the function and its derivatives at a point. We now can use this tool to approximate the solution of ODEs.

Let’s consider the linear mass-damping-stiffness system defined before:

\[ m\ddot{u}(t)+c\dot{u}(t)+ku(t)=F(t), \]

with appropriate initial conditions at \(t=t_0\)

\[ u(t_0)=u_0,\quad\dot{u}(t_0)=\dot{u}_0. \]

Here, we want to find the expression of a TS approximation of \(u(t)\) around a point in time \(t^*\). That is

\[ u(t)\approx\tilde{u}(t)=\sum_{i=0}^r\frac{u^{(i)}(t^*)}{i!}(x-t^*)^i. \]

Using \(r=2\), this expression simplifies to

\[ \tilde{u}(t)=u(t^*) + \dot{u}(t^*)(t-t^*) + \frac{1}{2}\ddot{u}(t^*)(t-t^*)^2. \]

The issue here is that in order to get the expression of \( \tilde{u}(t) \), we first need the values \(u(t^*)\), \(\dot{u}(t^*)\) and \(\ddot{u}(t^*)\) for a given \(t^*\). If we select \(t^*=t_0\), we can use the initial conditions, i.e. \(u(t^*)=u(t_0)=u_0\) and \(\dot{u}(t^*)=\dot{u}(t_0)=\dot{u}_0\). Moreover, from the equation of motion, we can obtain the value for \(\ddot{u}(t^*)=\ddot{u}(t_0)=\frac{1}{m}(F(t_0)-ku_0-c\dot{u}_0)\). Therefore, the appoximated solution \(\tilde{u}_1=\tilde{u}(t_1)\) at time \(t_1=t_0+Δ t\) will read

\[ \tilde{u}_1=u_0 + \Delta t\dot{u}_0 + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2}\ddot{u}_0. \]

As seen previously, the quality of the approximation depends on how far \(t_1\) is from \(t_0\), that is how large \(\Delta t\) is. This means that reducing \(\Delta t\) we will get a better approximation of \(u\). Assuming that \(\tilde{u}_1\) is a good enough approximation of \(u(t_1)\) and simplifying notation, hereinafter we will use \(u_1\) instead of \(\tilde{u}_1\).

Now, we are not just interested in finding \(u(t_1)\) for a \(t_1\) close enough to \(t_0\), but we want to find \(u(t)\) for any \(t\in[t_0,T]\). Let’s see what happens if we apply the same process at \(t_2=t_1 + \Delta t\):

\[ \tilde{u}_2=u_1 + \Delta t\dot{u}_1 + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2}\ddot{u}_1\]

In this expression we need \(u_1\), which is known, \(\dot{u}_1\), which is unknown, and \(\ddot{u}_1\), that is also unknown. From the equation of motion, we can get the value of \(\ddot{u}_1\) in terms of \(u_1\) and \(\dot{u}_1\)


However, we still have \(\dot{u}_1\) as an unknown in \eqref{u2}. Let’s try to approximate it using a TS again with \(r=2\) terms:

(6.3)#\[\dot{u}_1=\dot{u}_0+\Delta t\ddot{u}_0+\frac{\Delta t^2}{2}\frac{d^3u_0}{dt^3}\]

The problem now with equation \eqref{dotu1} is that we don’t have the initial value of the third derivative in time \(\frac{d^3u_0}{dt^3}\). Alternatively, we can use an approximation using a TS with \(r=1\), leading to

(6.3)#\[\dot{u}_1=\dot{u}_0+\Delta t\ddot{u}_0\]

Thus, we can obtain an approximation of \(u_2\) in terms of \(u_1\), \(\dot{u}_1\) and \(\ddot{u}_1\) that are known. This process can be generalized to an arbitrary number of steps. Let’s assume that we discretize the time in \(N\) equally distributed time points, \([t_0,t_1,t_2,...,t_N]\), where \(t_i=i\Delta t\). Knowing the solution and its first time derivative at time \(t_{i-1}\), we can find the solution at \(t_i\) by


Implement the algorithm described before to solve the ODE from \(𝑡=0\) to \(𝑡=1.0\) with \(\Delta 𝑡=0.01\):

\[3\ddot{u} + 0.5\dot{u} + 0.1u = 10,\]

with Initial Conditions:

\[u(0) = \dot{u}(0) =0.\]
# Here goes your code