Numerical error#

In the previous section we have seen how to approximate a function using a Taylor series. In this section we will lear how to quantify the error introduced by this approximation.

Here we will still consider the model problem of a second-order ODE that satisfies the equation of motion.

\[ m\ddot{u}(t)+c\dot{u}(t)+ku(t)=F(t). \]

The Taylor expansion of solution \(u\) and its time derivative \(\dot{u}\) at a given time \(t_{n+1}\) is

\[ u_{n+1}=u_n + \Delta t \dot{u}_n + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2}\ddot{u}_n + \frac{\Delta t^3}{3!}\dddot{u}_n+\ldots, \]
\[ \dot{u}_{n+1}=dot{u}_n + \Delta t \ddot{u}_n + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2}\dddot{u}_n + \ldots. \]

If we truncate the series keeping the terms involving quantities that we know, that is \(u_n\), \(\dot{u}_n\) and \(\ddot{u}_n\), we have the approximated solution:

\[ u_{n+1} β‰ˆ \tilde{u}_{n+1} = u_n + \Delta t \dot{u}_n + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2}\ddot{u}_n, \]
\[ \dot{u}_{n+1} \approx \dot{\tilde{u}}_{n+1} = \dot{u}_n + \Delta t \ddot{u}_n. \]

The error of the approximated solution \(\tilde{u}\) and its time derivative \(\dot{\tilde{u}}\) at \(t_{n+1}\) are defined as \(\epsilon_u = \left|u_{n+1}-\tilde{u}_{n+1}\right|\) and \(\epsilon_{\dot{u}} = \left|\dot{u}_{n+1}-\dot{\tilde{u}}_{n+1}\right|\). That is

\[\epsilon_u = \left|\frac{\Delta t^3}{3!}\dddot{u}_n+\ldots\right|\sim\mathcal{O}(\Delta t^3)\]
\[\epsilon_{\dot{u}} = \left|\frac{\Delta t^2}{2}\dddot{u}_n + \ldots\right|\sim\mathcal{O}(\Delta t^2)\]

Note that the error is reduced, i.e. the solution converges, as \(\Delta t\) decreases. We say that the solution converges with a convergence rate (order) \(r\) if \(\epsilon\sim\mathcal{O}(\Delta t^r)\). Therefore the approximated solution has an error at each time step of order \(3\) and its time derivative of order \(2\).

Both errors, \(\epsilon_u\) and \(\epsilon_{\dot{u}}\), are added together when evaluating the acceleration (second derivative). Then

\[\ddot{u}_n = \frac{1}{m}\left(F_n-c\dot{u}_n-ku_n\right) = \frac{1}{m}\left(F_n-c(\dot{\tilde{u}}_n+\epsilon_{\dot{u}})-k(\tilde{u}_n+\epsilon_{u})\right)\sim\mathcal{O}(\Delta t^2 + \Delta t^3)\sim\mathcal{O}(\Delta t^2).\]

Therefore, the error in the acceleration will be governed by the error on the velocity, wich is second order. In that case, we can also define the approximation of the solution \(\tilde{u}\) in a way that results in a second order local truncation error:

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \tilde{u}_{n+1}= u_n + \Delta t\dot{u}_n\\ \dot{\tilde{u}}_{n+1}= \dot{u}_n + \Delta t\ddot{u}_n \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The Forward-Euler method#

The previous system can be re-arranged in vector notation, using \(\mathbf{q}=\left[u,\dot{u}\right]^T\), as follows

\[\tilde{\mathbf{q}}_{n+1}=\mathbf{q}_n + \Delta t\dot{\mathbf{q}}.\]

This is precisely what is called as the Forward Euler method.

For a practical implementation of the Forward-Euler method, you can follow Tutorial 1.1.

Local and global truncation error#

The Forward-Euler method has a local truncation error with a quadratic order of convergence (\(\mathcal{𝑂}(\Delta 𝑑^2)\)).

The global error of convergence is the error at the final step, which will have all the local step error accumulation. For a solution from \(𝑑=[0,𝑇]\) with \(𝑁\) time steps, i.e. \(\Delta 𝑑=𝑇/𝑁\), we have that the total error will be:

\[\epsilon(𝑇)=\sum_{𝑖=1}^𝑁 \epsilon_𝐿 \sim 𝑁\epsilon_𝐿 = \frac{𝑇}{\Delta 𝑑}\epsilon_𝐿 \sim \frac{1}{Δ𝑑}\mathcal{𝑂}(\Delta 𝑑^2) \sim \mathcal{O}(\Delta 𝑑)\]

Then, the global error of the Forward-Euler method is of order 1, \(\mathcal{O}(\Delta 𝑑)\).


Numerical stability deals with the impact of approximation errors introduced in simplifying a differential equation (in our case). A numerical method (or a solver) is stable if it does not magnify these truncation errors unboundedly as the computation proceeds. Mathematically, numerical stability can be defined with the following example.

Consider the Cauchy differential equation again:

\[y' = f(t,y)\]

that is being solved using finite time steps. The solution at the time-step \(n + 1\) is approximated as \(y_{n+1}\) as a function of the solution \(y_n\) that was obtained at the time-step \(n\) using the step size \(h\).

\[y_{n+1} = F(t_n, y_n, h)\]

In the equation above, \(F\) is the discretized form of the continuous equation \(f\). The approximation is numerically stable if, for any initial condition \(y_0\) and any time step size \(h\), the error between the numerical solution and the true solution remains bounded as \(n\) (the number of time steps) increases. In formal terms, there exists a real number \(C\), independent of \(n\), such that:

\[|y_n - y(t_n)| \leq C\]

Let’s consider a simple example. For \(y(0) = 1\), the equation

\[y' = -\alpha y \quad (\text{where } \alpha > 0)\]

has the solution

\[y(t) = e^{-\alpha t}\]