
4. Precipitation#


This chapter is based on the chapter Precipitation from the lecture notes Water Quantity and Quality by K. Metselaar et al., Wageningen University, 2022. The first section of this chapter is based on a book chapter by Uijlenhoet (2008).


Fig. 4.1 Rainfall in the Netherlands – photo from (KNMI, 2024).#




Quantity name in Dutch


Widely used unit (if not SI)


Correction for wet antennas

Correctie voor natte antennes



Sub-area of the catchement

Deelgebieden in het stroomgebied



Z-R coefficient

Z-R coëfficiënt

Dependent on the value of b


Radar constant

Radar constante



Z-R coefficient

Z-R coefficient


\(e^* (T)\)

Saturation vapor pressure





Link length

Lengte van de link




Number of stations

Aantal stations



Received power

Ontvangen vermogen




Maximum received power

Maximaal ontvangen vermogen




Minimum received power

Minimaal ontvangen vermogen




Received power

Ontvangen vermogen



Reference received power (in absence of rain)

Referentie ontvangen vermogen (in afwezigheid van regen)




Rainfall depth





Rainfall intensity





Average rainfall

Gemiddelde regenval




Rainfall per rain gauge

Regenval per regenmeter




Rainfall at station X

Regenval bij station X




Distance to the radar

Afstand tot de radar



Distance to station X

Afstand tot station X







Radar reflectivity factor

Reflectiviteitsfactor van de radar




Factor to distribute the relative contributions of the minimum and maximum received power

Factor om de relatieve bijdragen van het minimum en maximum ontvangen vermogen te bepalen


\(\gamma (d)\)

Semivariance of rainfall at distance d

Semivariantie van regenval op afstand d




Weight per station (for computing the average)

Gewicht per station (voor berekenen van het gemiddelde)



In this chapter, the symbol \(P\) represents power, whereas it is commonly used to denote precipitation.