Book version: v1.0.0
Welcome to the hydrology textbook! We are thrilled to guide you through the essential principles, concepts, and applications of hydrology within the pages of this textbook. Whether you’re an experienced researcher, an inquisitive learner, or new to the field, this textbook is designed to be your trusted companion in unraveling the intricate dynamics of water on our planet.
Why hydrology matters?
Hydrology, the science of water, holds profound significance in our lives and the environment around us. From the water we drink to the weather patterns that shape our climate, it touches every aspect of our existence. By comprehending water’s behavior in various natural and engineered systems, we gain invaluable insights into managing water resources, mitigating floods and droughts, safeguarding the environment, and ensuring sustainable use, including the vital role groundwater plays, accounting for about 30% of the world’s fresh water and serving as a crucial source for billions of people worldwide, sustaining ecosystems, agriculture, and industry.
Within this textbook, we delve into a diverse array of topics essential to understanding hydrology. From exploring the hydrological cycle, which elucidates the continuous movement of water through various stages, phases and compartments to examining the unique hydrology of the Netherlands, a country intricately tied to its relationship with water, you’ll gain insights into both global and regional perspectives. We’ll unravel the mysteries of precipitation, the primary driver of the water cycle, and delve into the mechanisms of evaporation, which shapes our atmospheric conditions. Groundwater, often unseen but profoundly impactful, takes center stage as we investigate its role as a vital water resource and its management for sustainability. Lastly, we’ll analyze rainfall-runoff relations, the process by which precipitation transforms into surface runoff, influencing our ecosystems and water resources.

Fig. 1 Hydrology is the study of the water cycle in diverse landscapes. Engineer hydrology deals with the quantification and management of water resources and civil engineering infrastructure such as dams and reservoirs – Photo by (Pham, 2022).#