
Welcome to the online lecture material for the Introduction to Machine Learning part of the EM course on machine learning.

Book Layout#

Use the sidebar on the left to navigate between sections. Use the links between related pages to your advantage, they provide a consistent thread between the different contents covered in the course and how they are related.

For pages with interactive coding, a rocket icon () will appear on the top right. Hover it with your cursor and click on Live Code. Wait a bit while the necessary packages load and the interactive content will then be available.

Reading material#

Individual book pages can be downloaded as PDF files for offline reading, with the disclaimer that some of the formatting might might be broken as the book was developed and optimized for online use.

The contents of this online textbook are meant as a handy summary. More details can be found in the following textbooks:

C.M. Bishop

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (2009), Springer

Book website

C.E. Rasmussen & C.K.I. Williams

Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning (2006), MIT Press

Book website

The tags above are also used throughout the book in Further Reading blocks that point to relevant sections within the books.

Lecture slides#

Slides for this part of the course can be downloaded here. The linked PDF will be automatically updated in case the slides are modified.


Support from the TU Delft AI Educational Initiative is gratefully acknowledged. This textbook is a joint effort of the SLIMM Lab (Statistical Learning for Intelligent Material Modeling) and the Aidrolab (AI for Sustainable Water Management).