
Week 1.10: Taking the Stage#

Every project has an endpoint, whether you’re ready or not. A “reveal” moment when researchers share what they learned and discuss it with others. This should be fun and informative. This week, you will use the “project presenting” skills you acquired in the previous week(s).

This week, students will present a poster. They will discuss its content with their peers and then with a more general audience of scientists to experience and answer questions from these different audiences.

The week also includes an oral exam with their supervisor (see sample questions below) and a final reflection symposium (see discussion questions below).

Scheduled elements this week:


  • Practice symposium for the groups

  • Oral exam

  • Final Symposium in conjunction with a local scientific conference


  • Final reflection symposium

Group Activity of the Week#

  • Presenting poster twice in two diffferent contexts.

Sample Oral Exam Questions#

  • What are you proud of in collaborating with team mates?

  • What were some of the cultural differences within your team, what effect do you think they had on your work?

  • What was your biggest challenge in the process of this project, what did you learn from it?

  • What thing can I (supervisor) give you feedback on?

  • How did you go about learning about the content of your project?

  • Where do you think this project could go?

  • What interests you most about this project?

  • What biases did you encounter during this project and how do you think they affected your project?

  • What questions do you have? (Students should be prepared to ask something)

Discussion Questions#

  • What did you really enjoy?

  • What did you find challenging?

  • What do you think should be changed for next year?

  • What feedback would you give the minor teaching team?

  • What are you excited about for next quarter?

Weekly Submitted Assignments#


What would you advise to the minor team to keep, discard and add for next year? What will you keep, discard and build on from what you learned during the first half of the minor?
